• Location:
  • Owner:
  • Architect:
  • Roseburg, Oregon
  • Winston-Dillard School District
  • GLAS Architects

Project Description

Shiny, new maple hardwood floors greet visitors to the newest building at Lookingglass Elementary School.

Todd Construction was tasked in 2018 with rebuilding a 77-year-old school gym that had burned to the ground in a tragic fire on the site of the historic Lookingglass Elementary School.

The new building is much more than a gymnasium. It’s a gathering place for the small ranching and farming community located west of Roseburg. Community members regularly gather at the gym to roller-skate.

The new, pre-engineered metal building also houses a library full of new books, a music room, kitchen and cafeteria for the elementary school. Covered walkways to keep students and staff out of the rain are lined with decorative concrete planters.

The new school building, which is part of the Winston-Dillard School District, was replaced to its original condition with insurance money. While that means it doesn’t include air conditioning because that wasn’t part of the previous building, it now has modern electrical, mechanical and plumbing systems and is composed of modern building materials.