
Self-Performed Work — We self-perform for a number of reasons. Our culture of safety naturally rubs off on others working on the site resulting in a safer jobsite. Schedule performance is another area where we set the pace that carries throughout the project. And with our emphasis on quality comes the best overall quality from everyone working on the project.

Best-in-Class Project Management — Our project management model is based on experienced people working through an industry-standard project management software system. Our superintendents and project managers average more than 20 years in construction. Our system uses a hybrid cloud/hosted approach to proactively push the most critical information so our people can manage in best-in-class fashion.

Dedicated Closeout — We have dedicated people who start the closeout process as soon as the project starts. We track every closeout requirement, collecting and assembling documentation, videos, training schedules and more throughout the project. When the building is completed, our dedicated closeout staff ensure the closeout is done as well.

Accurate Project Cost Accounting — We use industry-standard software as the basis for our project cost accounting. Our system for controlling costs, changes, approvals and payments allows us to have accurate, up-to-the-minute information on the financial performance of our projects.

Multiple Contracting Methods — Our long-term history means we know the ins and outs of all of the prevalent contracting methods. Whether it’s competitive bid, guaranteed maximum price (GMP), cost plus fee, and whether we take on the role of contractor at risk, (CM/GC) Construction Manager/General Contractor,  or design/builder, our experience will keep the project running smoothly.